Pharmacy Rooms

BioVirtus pharmacy unit is dedicated to storage, preparation and dispensing of the investigational products including cytotoxic drugs, meeting the most stringent industry standards for such activities.

The 3-room facility is designed to assure the integrity of any high potency medications dispensed there, as well as safety of the pharmacy personnel.  It is equipped with a state of the art automatic high-efficiency laminar flow hood. It constantly monitors and adjusts the air flow to assure the best possible separation of the area under the hood, from the environment outside of it. The hood meets all the requirements of the European Standard BS EN 12469, including maintenance of aseptic conditions and protection from external contaminations.

The pharmacy unit is also equipped with pharmaceutical storage cabinets and refrigerators for storing investigational products at temperatures of 8-15oC, and 2-8oC, or other, as required for individual substances.

The pharmacy unit maintains limited and controlled access  and has a dedicated central climate control/alarm system for temperature and humidity. The temperatures in pharmaceutical cabinets and refrigerators are also monitored and controlled by the same central system, which activates an alarm when temperatures deviate from the preset specifications. In such situation the appropriate rescue procedure is implemented. The system can be remotely monitored by logging into a secure website. The periodic temperature data is filed in the pharmacy files.

The Pharmacy is connected to the emergency power supply which allows it to operate normally during any power outages. The emergency generator provides at least 72 hrs. of normal operation in the absence of regular power supply.